Wednesday, February 27, 2019

Mayan Jewelry

Honduras, is a Mayan Root Country, therefore Mayan culture has been a normal and traditional thing for us as Hondurans.

Back in the day, using Mayan Design Jewelry was very trendy in my country, so several designers made a lot of styles and colors. I was not living the trend back then, mostly because i used to travel a lot and at the time i was living in Costa Rica.

But years later, i fell in love with the idea of using and sharing with the world this beautiful Jewelry.

I started my first shop in Chile, i was living there in 2013 and i rented a small place in a national handmade market, it was fine and i sold a lot, but i notice that most of my costumers were Tourist, that gave me the idea that my Jewelry like them.

I mean, Chileans also loved it, but it was more popular among the female tourist that visited the shop.

So i thought that my shop needed to be global, needed to be online, i wanted that every person could have access to my products and that is how i ended opening an Etsy Shop two years ago.

I met an American friend and she told me that the most popular site for Handmade Jewelry in the US was Etsy, i did not eve know about the site back in the day, but i made the purpose of learning and that is how i did it.

I was lost at the beginning, i was back on my own country and i didn't even know if it was possible to sell online worldwide being here, but i took a shot and opened my shop.

Now i hope to share my interest in Jewelry design, Honduran Culture and Lifestyle with you!

You can always take a look at the Shop and be free to ask me any question.

Here i am going to let you a few pictures with my stuff.

Hope you liked them!



Welcome to my Jewelry World!!

VioletaOwner, Designer.

Hello all, i am Violeta, my goal in life is to have freedom to travel the world without attachments, so i want to become financially independent online, so i can run my businesses wherever i go. Be free!!

Mayans were a millenary culture that was settled in a part of my country, Honduras. The city of Copan is a world heritage site for being considered the "Athens of the Mayan world" due to the beauty and originality in its designs and sculptures.

That`s why I decided to start this project, Jewels and accessories with Mayans motives that represents images and sculptures of Copan.

Everything started in 2008 in Costa Rica, there I took my first jewelry course and I learned the basics for creating my own jewels, I was excited because I was able to develop my creativity and experiment with colors and styles.

By that time in my home country Honduras, the Mayan culture was very popular, so lots of different themes and designs were printed in fashion, and Mayan Jewelry was very in. So years later while I was living in South America, I began to wonder if this gorgeous designs could be accepted and liked in Chile, that is how my first business was born. 

I began to create and distribute my jewels, and opened my first shop in Santiago, it was called Mayan Arts, now that I am back in my home country, I decided to share again my creations, but this time online. Etsy is my first online shop and I would like to show you all the beauty and charm of this kind of unique Jewels and accessories.

I hope you like them as much as I do, and if you feel like you need to know more about me or my products, just let me know, I will be happy to contact you back.

So now i am going to be sharing my interest in Jewelry design, Lifestyle and Native American Culture.

Hope you enjoy!
